Back again for the second part of our London trip, i'm afraid it's a bit of a poor show picture wise as the security donned in fitted suits were warding off the bums and japanese tourists.
It's always a great feeling knowing that as you stroll past the many windows you will be coming out of the street with all your money in tact (this I made CLEAR to Charlotte before-hand :D). I do really feel sorry for the number of blokes wincing as the assistant told them how many times they will need to re-mortgage their homes to afford the 'rock' their wives are ogling.
On the whole Bond Street is great to visit if only to see all the amazing amount of crud a woman can attach to herself.
It's always a great feeling knowing that as you stroll past the many windows you will be coming out of the street with all your money in tact (this I made CLEAR to Charlotte before-hand :D). I do really feel sorry for the number of blokes wincing as the assistant told them how many times they will need to re-mortgage their homes to afford the 'rock' their wives are ogling.
On the whole Bond Street is great to visit if only to see all the amazing amount of crud a woman can attach to herself.
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